LSA Services

Official representatives in Argentina and Spain.

LSA Services.

We specialize in Inspection and certification of Ship-mounted Life Saving Appliances, including Freefall Configuration and Davits, in accordance with SOLAS (1974), Ch. III / IMO LSA Code /IMO MSC 402(96) and individual Flag State requirements.

Realize annual and five-year inspections that include operational tests and overload tests. We offer maintenance, comprehensive examination, operational tests, review, and repair of lifeboats, float-free release units, and release gear. Follow a reliability-centered maintenance program tailored to your vessel according to the manufacturer's manual and the legal framework of IMO MSC.402 (96), in effect since January 1, 2020, and SOLAS Cap. III-Life-saving appliances and arrangements-Regulations III/20 and III/36.


We conduct annual and five-year inspections, including operational tests and overload tests. We offer maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, review, and repair of lifeboats, launching appliances, and release gear. We follow a reliability-centered maintenance program tailored to your vessel in accordance with the manufacturer's manual and the legal framework of IMO MSC.402 (96), effective from January 1, 2020, and SOLAS Chapter III - Life-saving appliances and arrangements - Regulations III/20 and III/36.

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